Oasis Academy.

Courses for VSAT field engineers

Improve your career as a VSAT field engineer

Designed for those seeking retraining and VSAT field engineers who want to improve their skill set and expand their career options. Introduces the latest in VSAT technology and explores all the ins and outs and practical know-how needed to be a skilled VSAT field engineer.

Oasis Networks is a member of the Global VSAT Forum and qualified GVF HOST examiner.

VSAT field engineering training

This course will qualify you as a field technician and covers all the theoretical and practical knowledge an operating VSAT installer should know.


Course details
You will learn the fundamentals of VSAT technology, including using test equipment, running system calculations and configurations, antenna pointing, VSAT commissioning and more.

GVF test preparation

The course provides the knowledge needed to pass the GVF 510 and GVF 520 self-test.

Who Should Enroll
  • Technicians who want to become VSAT Field Engineers
  • Newly hired field service staff
  • VSAT Field Engineers who need certification
  • IT staff that want to shift to in-house maintenance of their satellite links
  • Operators, NOC and help-desk operatives who want to improve service with further knowledge
  • Certification: Oasis VSAT Field Engineer
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Languages: English, French, and Spanish


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Advanced VSAT Training

For experienced VSAT Field Engineers looking to manage more complex operations and access new career opportunities. Learn to calculate dB, explore frequency conversions, FEC and modulations, and learn basic IP networking.


Course details
During the course you’ll also experience the use of a spectrum analyzer, familiarize yourself with critical safety issues, and explore complex troubleshooting – everything a field manager needs to know to excel.

GVF test preparation

The course provides the knowledge necessary to pass the GVF 510, 520, 521, 522 self-tests.

Who Should Enroll
  • VSAT field engineers that want to become field managers
  • VSAT Field Engineers who need a certificate
  • Companies that want to expand staff knowledge
  • Certification: Oasis advanced VSAT Field Engineer
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Languages: English, French, and Spanish


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GVF basic Hands-On Skills Test (HOST)

In order to receive a GVF certification, you must pass the common Hands-On Skills Test (HOST) approved by an approved GVF Examiner.

Contact us to find out about the availability of HOST exams near you.

Course details

GVF certification courses consist of online theory portions and a practical skills examination.  The role of Oasis as a certified GVF Examiner is to administer the HOST and evaluate the student’s performance.


Verification of student’s ability to use the core skills taught in online course GVF510 in a hands-on environment.

Skills overview
  • Assemble a typical VSAT
  • Pre-set pol and elevation angles
  • Find a designated satellite
  • Accurately peak azimuth and elevation using the beam balance method
  • Accurately set linear polarization
  • Terminate a cable with a connector
  • Weather seal the connector
  • General workmanship and neatness

The student should complete GVF510 (Core Skills for VSAT installers) prior to attempting the HOST.

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Customized VSAT courses

We provide a number of customized training courses for companies that want to address specific systems or prepare teams for specific projects. The content can be adjusted to the audience or to a company’s existing in-house technologies and protocols.


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